6 Advantages Of Only One Person Dealing With Your Treasure Hunt Booking. How To Look Good With Black Cat Treasure Hunts.

6 Advantages Of Only One Person Dealing With Your Treasure Hunt Booking. How To Look Good With Black Cat Treasure Hunts.

Posted on: 24/11/2023

By Tim Carter (Owner of Black Cat Treasure Hunts)

When you are booking a team building activity for your company (or indeed as anyone designated to follow through on a hen do idea) the main aim is to talk to the person delivering it as soon as possible. It may be that you work for an agency tasked with contacting a range of activity providers in order to put together the best program suitable. Either way, smooth, seamless communication is the initial priority. At Black Cat Treasure Hunts, the first point of contact is me, Black Cat...Tim. Choose your preferred way of addressing me! This blog looks at why this will be a definite plus for your peace of mind.

1. Put at ease straight away.
If you are not an event professional and are contacting an info@ email or trying a direct telephone number, you wonder who is going to pick up your booking request or answer the phone. How soon will your message be directed to the right person. 
With an enquiry to Black Cat Treasure Hunts, I am that person either way. I will be able to answer your questions fully and immediately. From giving a quote to checking your event date availability I will be able to inform you from that first moment. I promise to respond within 24 hours if you have left a message. If I am in the room when the direct number (01323) 655346 rings it will be me you speak to. If you email info@blackcattreasurehunts.co.uk when I am on my laptop, I will highly likely respond within 24 minutes!
2. Be the office hero.
Armed with all the relevant info straight away you will be able to go back to your work colleagues or management team or agency clients and present them with all the information they could ever want and quickly. Gone are the days of deciding on a quick pub crawl the night before the office Christmas meal as your sole team building event.
3. No committee = quicker, more effective decisions.
The old saying that a camel was a horse designed by a committee rings true in these situations. The more people you talk to with your requirements the more you will get slight differences and the issue will become confused. Everyone has their own priorities which can sometimes mean no-one gets what they want.
I will give you a vision of how I can deliver your specific type of treasure hunt, or, for an agency request or more detailed enquiry, I will advise you how I can deliver your specification. The other day I had a team building treasure hunt enquiry that wanted a Bargain Hunt theme. I have made it my mission to take a route past all the best antique/vintage shops and flea markets in Brighton whilst also incorporating challenges that relate closely to the programme. The company concerned are arranging for an auctioneer to attend and charity kitty`s to purchase small antiques with. This will definitely be a winning event.
4. Updates incoming.
If you are dealing with a bigger company and call to get an update it`s quite possible the person you want will not be there, on holiday or at another event. Do not be tempted to start getting your update from another person. When you want an update from Black Cat Treasure Hunts you will be going straight to the top anyway. To be honest, my aim is to give you a schedule or timetable early on about how and when I will write your treasure hunt and to give you updates before you ask for them. Ongoing communication is paramount during the writing phase.
5. It`s possible to relax on the day.
When you are the one making the booking for any kind of group activity, whether it is for the rest of your company on a team building event, or as a head bridesmaid for a hen party activity, you naturally feel responsible for how it will turn out on the day. In this instance I am normally available to attend and organise the event on the day for you. To have the person you booked the event with doing this is unusual but extremely advantageous. You will both know what has been discussed and agreed. It means you can relax and take part safe in the knowledge that you have delivered.
6. And finally...
After the dust has settled or even five minutes after the event has finished, I will be able to discuss with you how everything went. Getting immediate feedback is important. Leaving as little as possible to chance is the key to ensuring that the feedback is always positive.
Ready to take that first step? Contact me on info@blackcattreasurehunts.co.uk or call (01323) 655346.

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