Storming to a teambuilding success

Storming to a teambuilding success

Posted on: 16/10/2019

Bruce Tuckman was a psychologist who looked at the  four stages of development for high performing teams. He assigned names for these four stages called forming, storming, norming and performing. Black Cat is of the opinion that teambuilding and of course a treasure hunt (!) could play a useful part at each stage.

A new team has just come together at this stage. there is a mixture of anxiety and positivity towards the tasks ahead. There is an opportunity here for teambuilding to accelerate the process of team members getting to know each other a bit better. Leaders can be specific  about what is required.

`Forming treasure hunt`: Black Cat suggests  splitting into the teams that the new staff have just become part of. The treasure hunt will give them an opportunity to develop their communication channels. The venue for this should probably be aroung the town or City where your work is based.

This can be a difficult stage where individuals are `jostling for position` within a company or challenging the status quo established to that point. Some staff may feel disillusioned with what is required whilst others may not feel they are getting the support they need with the task in hand. Tuckman details that this can be the stage where a team fails.

`Storming Treasure Hunt`:  An opportunity for every team member to contribute in their own way-whether it is keeping an eye on the challenges to be done, reading out the questions and directions or asking strangers to join in on the tasks to be completed on route. Black Cat treasure hunts do not specify having a leader for the teams so there is a chance here for everyone to feel valued and work together to solve /complete challenges.

Eventually teams reach this stage where there is more acceptance of each others strengths and committment towards a goal. Team members are socialising more with each other in this stage.

`Norming Treasure Hunt` This has been identified as a particularly good time for a teambuilding treasure hunt as managers can step back and let the team decide strategies. Stronger inter personal relations can allow the team to participate with enthusiasm and get the most out of the event. Black Cat Treasure Hunts offer a free  info and photos personalisation of the teambuilding treasure hunts which will add fun to this bonding stage.

Tasks are achieved in a frictionless way so that Management can delegate to staff. The team is doing very well at this stage. New goals are set.

`Performing Treasure Hunt`: The venue could be in a different town for the treasure hunt or it could be in a different style. Black Cat Treasure Hunts have different themes such as Murder/Mystery or Cockney Rhyming Slang! and has treasure hunts all over Sussex and some in London. Brighton remains the most popular venue. The team are ready and willing to take on these new targets

A 5th stage called adjourning was added later when some time limited teams are splitting up or maybe a re-structuring is taking place. This is the time to celebrate successes. A fun all-in treasure hunt with some nice prizes or a celebratory meal to finish would be a good combination.

Contact to discuss a teambuilding treasure hunt that is appropriate for the stage your team is at.

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